
About my experience on our fieldtrip/ Katharina Kosmalla/ ISS2017

My Korean-Concert experience

Today and as a first for my time being in Korea, I would like to share  a not at all embarrassing story of myself at a traditional Korean concert.

It may sound funny to a lot of you but I actually found myself crying on my first ever traditional concert two days ago. With most of ISS students we went on an amazing trip over the weekend, getting to know each other better, sharing stories, laughing and just having a great time. In the evening, we had the opportunity to listen to some amazing traditional musicians, playing all kinds of variations of the 'Arirang' song and some other plays. The scenery was so perfect as the concert was held in an opened Hanok House, with beautiful lights which all brought just the right feeling to it.

I was so tired from the day but as I love music I was fully awake as soon as they started playing. The instruments, the singing, the music as a whole with all its tempi changes; it was just so beautiful to listen to. At some point I just found myself trapped into their music and the sound of the drums and flutes swept me away.

With all the exhaustion from the past days and weeks relieving, my emotions took a hold of me and I felt so sincerely happy that I just could not hold my tears back. I will surely never forget this evening and feeling.

 And by the way, I also won thirty rolls of toilet paper after the concert finished.


  1. I used to think that Korean traditional music is kind of boring and an old music. I changed my mind after listening to the concert though. I think it was really well-mixed and sounded awesome even for Korean. I am proud of you to think so! -Yujin

    1. I didn't think I would like it that much as well but it had its impact and I am happy you can feel proud. Thank you! :)
