
Discussion questions / Yujong Cho

1. Compare the experience of being oppressed in " In the Land of the Free" and "The Ingrate"


Sui Sin Far is depicted as obedient person. She doesnt' resist much corrupted coustoms officer and lawyer. What she wanted is just getting back her baby. She got furious with them but she allowed herself to pay for the baby. Other than the baby, she has nothing interest. She was seized with worry that her baby couldn't be safe so it made her conform their unreasonable ask.


Joshua in "The Ingrate", However, I could say he is more direct than Sui Sin Far in "In the Land of the Free". He is not passive like as her. Although his master Mr. Leckler let him know how to read and write, he accepted it well and by the knowledges he left for Canada finally. I would say Joshua is challenging person even if he is under oppression. He tried to make his own way and eventually he made it.



2. What do you perceive to be the significance of the story's title?


I think the title "In the Land of the Free" means 'irony'. Sui Sin Far and her husband came to America to live well but they were faced with the absurd even before they settled down the land. Their dream became shattered. The author emphasizes the miserable situation they were confronted with. 

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